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Hi, I'm Peter T. Brown, a software engineer, serial entrepreneur, occasional artist, and wannabe intellectual. Lately, I've also become an angel investor, small-time philanthropist, and private pilot. I started out in college studying Japanese and computer science, but that was in the late '90s, and hey, the opportunity seemed unique, so I dropped out and started a series of technology companies. Some did better than others; mostly, the best are yet to come.

Currently, I live in Friday Harbor, WA with my wife and son. For over 20 years I've been a digital nomad, traveling about half the year and working remotely. I'm the president of the San Juan Islands Pilots Association and recently joined the board of the Cirrus Pilots and Owners Association.

My last position was as VP of Research & Development at Community Brands. Before they acquired us, I was CTO and co-founder of Pathable for nearly 15 years, where we made software for in-person and virtual events. Lately, I've been recovering from retirement and have developed a few experiments including Haro Haps, and bespoke calendar of events for the San Juan Islands and Mokita, a tool to help improve your self-perception.

Don't hesitate to contact me here:

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